Here’s how you can become a tow truck driver in Ontario

Tow truck drivers work hard to keep faulty or damaged vehicles off the roads you use every single day, and are a welcome presence to anyone experiencing vehicular difficulties.In Ontario, there are a number of steps you must go through if you wish to become a qualified tow truck driver:

  1. Have a Clean Driver’s License
  2. Make Your Application
  3. Undertake Your Tests
  4. Undertake Training on Basic Maintenance Tasks
  5. Study Road Maps in Your Area
  6. Speak with Local Towing Firms
  1. Have a Clean Driver’s License

    This should go without saying: you need to be over the age of 18 and have a clean driving license to drive a tow truck.
    As a tow truck driver, you are responsible for your own vehicle, as well as those of others. This includes towing cars and trucks for what could be miles, through traffic and busy roads. You need to prove that you are clear-headed and calm when in control of a vehicle – and the cleaner your license, the clearer this will be.

  2. Make Your Application

    You need to apply to your local License & Permit Issuing Office to become a tow truck driver; if you’re based in Toronto, this is located at East York Civic Centre.

    You will need to supply proof of your identification as part of your application, and a fee will be charged to process your application. The fee for Toronto residents is $388.92, but this may vary from one area to another.

    If successful, you will receive a Commercial Vehicle Operator’s Registration (CVOR) certificate.

  3. Undertake Your Tests

    You need to undertake two tests in order to get your certificate: the knowledge test and the road test.

    You will receive Ontario’s Official Truck Handbook will help you study for the written knowledge test, while the road test is your chance to demonstrate your driving skills for an assessor.

  4. Undertake Training on Basic Maintenance Tasks

    You will be required to perform maintenance on vehicles from time to time, depending on the services provided by your towing firm.

    This may vary from changing tires, jump-starting a car, replacing batteries, unlocking doors, and more. You should educate yourself on the basics of car maintenance, across different types of vehicles, to help give yourself a head start when you apply for jobs.

    The more skills you can bring to your application for a role, the more you will stand out from competitors (and the less time your employers will have to invest into your training).

  5. Study Road Maps in Your Area

    GPS has transformed driving, particularly in urban areas. With a gadget or an app on our phones, we can navigate the most labyrinthine environments in far less time.

    However, a good tow truck driver cannot rely on GPS assistance at all times. You should take the time to study road maps in your city and surrounding areas, to ensure you can reach customers with minimal delay.

    This is especially important to towing firms guaranteeing a response time of 30 minutes or less.

  6. Speak with Local Towing Firms

    Once you have your CVOR license to drive a tow truck and you have trained yourself in maintenance, you should start applying for work with firms in your area.

Towing companies like us, employ tow truck drivers with the proper certification and skills, so being able to demonstrate your qualifications and abilities will make finding work in this role far easier. Click here to find out how you can grow your towing business with us

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